Soul-Post: The LORD Keeps His Promises

"The LORD Keeps His Promises" Nations and kingdoms may rise. Businesses may gain influence. Celebrities and cultural forces may think they can shape society in their own image, ignoring God. For a season, they may smugly think they're powerful, in control of their own destiny, and that God doesn't matter. But the Lord knows everything we do. His plans are sure, written and confirmed. Justice will be done. The wicked will be punished. The Godly will be rewarded. He will prevail.
God knows everything you face. He understands your problems and needs. Stay humble, and trust your life to Him. Remember: God will accomplish His purposes, for the nations, for all of creation, and for you. Serve Him faithfully with your time, talent, and treasure.

Written by David Cerullo & Handsome "The Rebel of Faith" Approved

God bless you all,
I Am Hand...

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