Just a few days ago I spoke on the value of life and how beautiful it is to have it and today I was hit with some tough news, my boy who went to Thomas Edison High with me, Darion Brown, was shot last night and died shortly after. The first person to give me this news was my close friend Rasheed whom also went to high school with us and heard it from someone else, but he didn't have any details, all he knew was that he had been shot. Being from the hood (like it or not I am what I am) we grow tough skin when it comes to death. It hits us of course but we have a tendency to brush it off as just another part of life and it doesn't really sink in until some while later. Well it sunk in about an hour ago when I finally got the full details from my other homie Hurron. Hurron and Darion were super close and he was also very close to D's family. He told me that what killed him wasn't the bullet but what took place after the dude let off. It appears that some guy was angry over a girl Darion was with and came up to Darion's car and decided to shoot him. Darion got hit and tried to speed off to get away from the guy but as D sped away he crashed, passed out and bled to death. Now thats not the way for anybody to die, especially a 23 year old kid and especially over some jealous fool who values his pride over the gift of life.
There's a saying we all know - there's plenty fish in the sea - yet it feels like people take this as literally meaning fish in the sea and not as there are enough men & women out there for them not to do dumb things which they excuse as "acts of love". What's easier to repair, a broken heart or a lost life?... Trick question 'cause a heart can't actually break and something thats lost can't be repaired because it can't be found in the first place (had to lighten the mood up a bit, sorry but humor is how I deal with things and this really angers me so I'm trying to get out of my angry-mode). It's ridiculous, now D's dead and what does the guy get out of that? Does he really think this girl is going to say "Oh I can't believe you killed someone for me, this is what I always dreamed of as a little girl - MY VERY OWN MURDERER BOYFRIEND! I LOVE YOU KILLER!!!" NO! Besides the fact that you're a murderer buddy, and that alone should totally dumb down your attraction points, you're a soon to be PRISONER, so what is "LOVE" going to do for you now? As far as I know LOVE doesn't land you in jail. LOVE doesn't make you take another man's life. LOVE is something beautiful that brings people together and creates more life not subtracts from it! You know what lands you in jail and makes you kill? An idiot who mixes love with pride. Pride is a great thing to have, it's what's kept me from faltering in the face of wrong and has kept me steady through the shots from those whom try to bring the Hand down, but it's also a very dangerous thing when not properly controlled. This idiot couldn't face the fact that for whatever reason this girl no longer was interested in him and had fallen for someone else. Now just when those feelings of jealousy kicked in, somewhere in his tiny brain the notion that these feelings of anger and resent towards this girl were really deep emotions brought forth by love and passion made his pride say "teach this guy a lesson, he's making us - OUR LOVE - look stupid" so he grabbed a gun and took a kid's life. Trying to make things better (in his eyes anyway) he just made things worse.
His actions which he felt were for love now pushed this girl away even MORE, took D away from his family and friends, and quite possibly will land him jail for the rest of his life... life, wait a minute, he still has his life! As petty as it may be, he still has his life, something that Darion no longer has. Something Darion's mother no longer has because if you really look at the big picture, D's life was what made up a percentage of Mrs. Brown's life. Part of her life was spent raising and loving her child and now that part is gone. So yes she has her life but it's not the same when there's a big chunk like that missing. Now sure you can say "but she has her other kids" but how complete would you be if God forbid you lost a leg? I mean you'd still have your other limbs right? You feel me?
I'm not going to run this on much longer because it's a bit hard to get my thoughts out at this present moment, I just want people to really think about how we need to really use our heads before we let our heart do the talking. Our heart is good at a lot of things but don't you think if it was good at decision making and differentiating what's right from wrong that the Lord would've found other uses for our brain? Um yeah, he would've - but he didn't. Your heart will always tell your brain what it's feeling but just make sure to let your brain tell your heart what those emotions really are before you overreact and it's too late.
Rest In Peace D, wish we would've kept more in touch but it's all good, we'll catch up at the big Edison reunion in the sky, lol. Later homie...
All i can say is WOWOWOWOW i knew D as well n the way you spoke about everything really touch me in away that i can't even explain damn life is too short for all the drama.I know i don't know you from a hole in the wall but i wish i did because i can tell for afact that you really cared about D.In this crazy world we face today i sure wish it was more people out there like you.
Sorry for your loss.
okayy soo i dont know you and i dont know hiim. i dont know the killer and i dont know the girl. all i do know is that this is crazii. my one best friend got shot for on reason and died on the spot. THE NEXT DAY my friend died in a car crash. THE NEXT day i lost my job and the next is today. now you tell me. life isz crazi and a lot of stuff is going to happen and it just depends on how you veiw it now.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Thank you :) you should look at that emo boy style over this blog:
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